Thursday, October 30, 2008

survival mode

I want to write a lighthearted funny blog but don't really seem to have it in me at the moment. It could be that it's 2:20 am or possibly any of the other events going on in life right now. I will try my best (its my duty!). As i said in my 'about me' section, i have a tendency to lose or break expensive objects, or any object for that matter. Well yesterday topped it all. I was at starbucks having my daily sip and sit session (that means homework time) and waiting for miss Amelia to come meet me for dinner. upon her arrival, i moved my lap top and back pack from the chair it was in to the floor next to my chair. after a few minutes of catching up we jumped in her car and headed off to CPK for some tasty cuisine. Once we reached starbucks again i started gathering up my back pack and wallet from around me in her car and suddenly realized... my lap top was not there. I instantly remembered setting in on the ground and never picking it back up again. After a good 30 minutes of frantic searching every bush, chair, barista and patron in the store i had to resign to the fact that someone had taken it and i could blame no one but myself for this absentminded move. Of course the next thing i seemd to feel was in order was bursting out in exasperated tears and thinking about what a dissapointment this would be to my loving grandparents who had originally bestowed the brand new mac upon me for my birthday. I then went through another agonizing 2 hours of telling my mom and grandma what had happened, and praying like never before that some miracle would take place. Just when i was ready to accept my final lesson of forgetfulness and move on with my dreary life, my phone rang with a random number. It turns out this amazingly wonderful girl had found it outside, didn't think it was safe enough to turn it in at starbucks, found out it was dead, bought a charger,  charged it found my information and called me! God bless her soul! I told her over 100 times she was an answer to prayer and what an outstanding character she has, and then spent the rest of the night cradling my baby in my arms. (there is no unhealthy attachment here i can assure you...)
What a humbling experience. 
Now for the reasons my soul feels dry and shriveled. I stay up way too late doing  unnecessary activities, i wake up way too early for school, i dont make time to read the word or journal like i know i should (it has proven to be the best way of preserving my sanity as well as those around me), and every waking moment i have gotten to spend with Steve has been spent with both of us working madly away on whatever homework or project we have due the following morning. Survival mode at its best. Also we found out today that little Bliss Marie (my cousin with dandywalker syndrome and hydrocephalus among many other health issues) had to be rushed into emergency brain surgery to replace her entire shunt! Just a week ago they replaced the tubing because of some swelling that was going on, but that obviously didnt work and now she is going to have to recover from a second major surgery without even having time to heal from the first. there was some severe swelling and pressure before they were able to catch the whole mess, so prayers that she wont have any more brain damage and wakes up tomorrow safely from the anesthesia would be greatly appreciated. 
this blog wasnt fun at all i appologize.
oh pooh.


Unknown said...

Molly, molly, molly...I'm glad the absolutely nicest girl in the world was the one to find your laptop. I think you should buy like a strap that you attach to your wrist and the other end is connected to your laptop, like a boogie board. that would help.

Molly McGregor said...

who wrote that? its a good suggestion. my mom was suggesting hand cuffs.

Sarah said...

Hi sweet Molly! Found you in the blog-o-sphere! Hooray.
Thanks for sharing your heart.
sarah t.