Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This morning i set my alarm clock for 8:45 am so i could go meet my friend for breakfast before my class at 9:45. Ended up she called to cancel at 8:15 so i went back to sleep, and woke up with my alarm at 8:45 thinking an hour had gone by and i was late for class! I rushed out of my apartment, drove like a maniac to west campus almost killing 2 students in the cross walk, and ran to my classroom only to find it completely dark... well class must have been cancelled i assumed! hurrah. so i headed back to my apartment to relax for a few hours, only to look at the clock awhile later to see that it was just now turning 9:40 am!!! So once again, rush to my car, speed to west campus, run up to class only to fine that class truly IS cancelled and if i could learn how to check my email once in awhile i could have enjoyed HOURS more of sleep. Thats what I get. And of course I only did the reading assigned for the class that was cancelled thanks to steve and his strange desire to watch the new reality tv show "bromance" (yes thats the one where Brody Jenner from the hills is trying to find a new BFF... ask steve i really dont know why he is drawn to this so strongly)

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